Version: 2007.04.06 
Color style: 
Linkeditor options: 

Known bugs:
- Sizing Grip at the right bottom corner is buggy under FF.
- <p> editing style does not work under FF
- table merge and split sometimes messes up the table structure (eg: add a new row when the actual row has merged cell.)
- vertical setting needs the toolbars container width to be set also. :-S (not on the current page)
- vertical DDB's are not good (not on the current page)
- Implement Word Count
- Reimplement Multilingual UI
- Try to reimplement Image Galery
Short description:
- Original and rights owner: FreeTextBox
- This version is based on the FreeTextBox 3.1.6
- Why: I needed a good JS editor, and I liked the FTB the most, but it lacked lots of features, and it was ASP.NET only (no PHP :-S.).
- How: Downloaded the demo pack, saved the JS files, reformatted them, and reverse-engineered the building of the editor, then re-implemented it in JS.
- New features (compared to the official FreeTextBox 3.1.6):
  • New toolbutton type: DropDownButton (DDB).
  • Smileys DDB
  • Symbols DDB
  • Fore and Backcolor setter DDB
  • New place and style for the popup windows (linkeditor, tableeditor, styleeditor, imageeditor)
  • Cell merge and split for the tables
  • The same visual appearance under FF as under IE, and it comes from CSS only
  • Resizing of the editor. (can be turned off, and buggy :-))
  • The images of the editor are come from one image. (faster DL)
  • Link Editor settings (default class and target can be set, and every field (except Url) can be removed from the linkeditor form)
- Lost features:
  • Multilingual User Interface
  • Image Galery
- Ready bugfixes:
  • Under FF it cannot find the style of the texts.
  • Inserting into empty editor results strange things (time, date, table)
  • TextChanged event is renamed, and now it is fired after the text is really changed
  • Lots of small design glitches and code bugs fixed (mostly in the Utility)
- Browsers I tested with: Firefox; Internet Explorer 7.0;
- Contact: write email
Remember, this product is NOT free, if you want to use it commercially, go to the original rights owner and pay hell-lot $money$!